“The Do-ers”

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Related Careers

  • Shoe and Leather Worker and repairer

  • Garment Sewing Machine Operator

  • Costume Attendant

  • Alteration Tailor

  • Costume Designer

Tailors and Seamstresses are involved in the sewing together of materials to produce clothing.  In clothing factories they will be one of a number of people responsible for the production of clothing.

  • Designers will be responsible for designing of clothing.

  • Pattern Makers will make patterns from the design

  • Cutters will prepare the material and cut out the different pieces of material that will then be sewn together by the seamstress.

Seamstress who are also experienced in the other facets of clothing production can become Tailors. Tailors working independently have to perform all these steps. They take customer’s measurements, make up the pieces, fit and make adjustments, if necessary.

An important part of the Tailor’s work is to alter existing clothing by, for example, shortening or lengthening them. The Tailor also mends damaged.