“The Do-ers”

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Related Careers

  • Fishers and Related Fishing Worker

  • Agricultural Inspector

  • Landscaping Worker

  • Nursery worker

  • Animal Breeder

Farmers are mainly responsible for the production and marketing of South Africa’s food through crop and stock farming. The nature of a farm Worker’s duties differs according to the type of farm that he or she is employed on. Soil preparation, fertilisation, protection against diseases and weeds and harvesting are but a few facets of crop farming that the farm Worker is involved in. His or her responsibilities can vary from elementary tasks such as ploughing, planting, irrigation, pruning and fertilisation to more advanced tasks such as the handling and maintenance of tractors and implements or the construction of buildings and fences.

The most important function of a farm Worker on a livestock farm is taking care of animals. The farm Worker must have a basic knowledge of the production of meat, wool and dairy farming as well as stud farming. Tasks may include the vaccination, dipping, marking and marketing of animals.