“The Organisers”

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Related Careers

  • Customer Service Representative

  • New Accounts Clerk

  • Dental Assistant

  • Waiter/Waitress

  • Flight Attendant

First impressions are lasting impressions. This old truth underlines the importance of the work of the receptionist. The Receptionist is the first person to collect the image of the company and the first to create a favourable (or hopefully not) unfavourable impression with visitors. The Receptionist welcomes visitors at a desk located in a highly visible area of a company. The visitors are normally clients or suppliers of the products or services to the company. Receptionists in bigger companies must be able to work with computers and modern telephone systems to professionally manage the flow of visitors to the company.

Security is extremely important in most organisations. In large businesses, schools, and government agencies Receptionists manage the people entering and leaving the building. They may sign customers in and give them identification cards or provide an escort to the visitor.