“The Thinker”

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Nature Conservation Assistant

Related Careers

  • Veterinary Assistant and Laboratory Animal Caretaker

  • Zoologist and Wildlife Biologist

  • Natural Sciences Manager

  • Animal Scientist

  • Range Manager

Nature Conservation Assistants support nature Conservation Officers in the management of our natural resources. The field of nature conservation is enormous and one may specialise in a number of disciplines.

In the field of reserve management, the Nature Conservation Assistant assists in the construction of fencing, maintaining roads and managing plant and animal life.

The Nature Conservation Assistant specialising in environmental education makes the public aware of the importance of conservation. He or she can run educational programmes in schools or among communities in ecologically sensitive areas.

Administrative careers for Nature Conservation Assistants include support in the administration of legislation pertaining to conservation, administration and finances. The nature Conservation Assistant in a zoo is co-responsible for the well-being of the animal. This includes the monitoring of their physical health and the managing of their breeding.