“The Organisers”

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Related Careers

  • Receptionists and Information Clerk

  • Counter and Rental Clerk

  • Salesperson

  • Stock Clerk

  • Postal Service Clerk

Supermarkets, cinemas, restaurants, banks and many other businesses employ Cashiers. They receive payment for goods and services delivered. Patrons make payments in the form of cash, cheque or credit card and receive change and receipts from cashier. The nature of the work varies according to the type and size of the business where the Cashier is employed - from selling articles on a street corner to a teller in a bank.

 In a small business the cashier is normally responsible for more than just the cash intake. His or her duties can include the compiling of daily financial reports and the paying of wages and accounts.

 In bigger companies the Cashier’s duties are more specialised. In chain supermarkets for instance the cashiers’ tasks would be limited to the input of prices and code numbers on the cash register, the handling of the receipts and the overseeing of the packaging of goods. At the end of the shift the cashiers balance the cash, cheque and credit card payments in the till with the cash register.