“The Thinker”

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Agricultural Researcher

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Agricultural Researchers conduct research in virtually every farming discipline – from crops to vegetables, fruit and pest control to farm animals. Agricultural research is concerned with the solutions for practical problems and challenges facing the modern farmers. It is aimed at enhancing productivity and the cost effectiveness of farming practises and to ensure food security for South Africa’s growing population.

Agricultural Researchers’ field of specialty will determine the nature of their work. In the field of plant research, the Researcher will cut, spray and monitor plant growth. Soil Researchers analyse soil to find the optimum soil type for every crop type. Researchers also experiment with new plant and grain cultivars to produce plants and grain types that are well adapted to local circumstances.

Agricultural Researchers are also employed at dairy and meat production research institutions. They monitor the milk and meat production of different breeds of animals and conduct research into methods to improve production and quality. Another important field of research is plant and animal diseases. Researchers constantly research ways to prevent and control these diseases.